Le Hidden Wiki est un répertoire de sites web sur le dark web, souvent accessible via le réseau Tor.

Le Hidden Wiki est un répertoire de sites web sur le dark web, souvent accessible via le réseau Tor.

Le Hidden Wiki : Introduction au Répertoire du Dark Web

Le Hidden Wiki est un répertoire de sites web sur le dark web, souvent accessible via le réseau Tor. Il est connu pour rassembler divers liens vers des ressources cachées ou anonymisées, couvrant une vaste gamme de sujets. Le Hidden Wiki est organisé comme un annuaire et présente des catégories variées qui vont des forums de discussion aux boutiques, en passant par des bibliothèques numériques et des services de messagerie.

Pourquoi Utiliser le Hidden Wiki ?

Les utilisateurs qui accèdent au Hidden Wiki recherchent généralement une forme d’anonymat ou souhaitent explorer des contenus non indexés par les moteurs de recherche classiques. Bien que certains services ou ressources soient légitimes, le Hidden Wiki contient aussi des liens vers des contenus illégaux ou douteux. Il est donc essentiel de faire preuve de prudence et de comprendre les risques associés.

Utilisation Sécurisée du Dark Web

Pour une navigation plus sûre :

1. Utilisez un VPN : Avant d'accéder au réseau Tor, un VPN (réseau privé virtuel) peut améliorer votre anonymat.
2. Installez Tor Browser : Ce navigateur est spécifiquement conçu pour naviguer sur le dark web et protéger votre identité en ligne.
3.Sorry. You are not using Tor. Pour checker  tor connexion.
4. Faites attention aux liens : Les liens sur le Hidden Wiki peuvent mener à des contenus illicites. Il est préférable de consulter uniquement des ressources réputées.

Ressources Légitimes sur le Dark Web

Le dark web abrite aussi des ressources valides, telles que :
- Sites de dénonciation : permettant de partager des informations sensibles en toute confidentialité.
- Bibliothèques : certaines collections de documents, de livres et de recherches sont disponibles.
- Forums d’entraide et de protection de la vie privée : dédiés aux discussions autour de la cybersécurité et des droits numériques.

En somme, bien que le Hidden Wiki serve de guide sur le dark web, il convient de s'en approcher avec prudence et de s'assurer de rester dans un cadre légal et sécurisé.

The Hidden Wiki

Pour parcourir les liens du web profond .onion :

http://s4k4ceiapwwgcm3mkb6e4diqecpo7kvdnfr5gg7sph7jjppqkvwwqtyd.onion/ – OnionLinks v3
http://6nhmgdpnyoljh5uzr5kwlatx2u3diou4ldeommfxjz3wkhalzgjqxzqd.onion/ – The Hidden Wiki
http://2jwcnprqbugvyi6ok2h2h7u26qc6j5wxm7feh3znlh2qu3h6hjld4kyd.onion/ – Another Hidden Wiki
http://jgwe5cjqdbyvudjqskaajbfibfewew4pndx52dye7ug3mt3jimmktkid.onion/ – Pug’s Ultimate Dark Web Guide
http://zqktlwiuavvvqqt4ybvgvi7tyo4hjl5xgfuvpdf6otjiycgwqbym2qad.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page – The original hidden wiki

Bitcoin anonymity

http://y22arit74fqnnc2pbieq3wqqvkfub6gnlegx3cl6thclos4f7ya7rvad.onion/ – Dark Mixer – Anonymous bitcoin mixer
http://hqfld5smkr4b4xrjcco7zotvoqhuuoehjdvoin755iytmpk4sm7cbwad.onion/ – Mixabit – Bitcoin mixer
http://mp3fpv6xbrwka4skqliiifoizghfbjy5uyu77wwnfruwub5s4hly2oid.onion/ – EasyCoin – Bitcoin Wallet and Mixer
http://p2qzxkca42e3wccvqgby7jrcbzlf6g7pnkvybnau4szl5ykdydzmvbid.onion/ – Onionwallet – Anonymous and secure bitcoin wallet and mixer
http://ovai7wvp4yj6jl3wbzihypbq657vpape7lggrlah4pl34utwjrpetwid.onion/ – VirginBitcoins – Buy freshly mined clean bitcoins

Drug stores

http://wbz2lrxhw4dd7h5t2wnoczmcz5snjpym4pr7dzjmah4vi6yywn37bdyd.onion/ – DCdutchconnectionUK – The dutch connection for the UK
http://iwggpyxn6qv3b2twpwtyhi2sfvgnby2albbcotcysd5f7obrlwbdbkyd.onion/ – DrChronic – Weed straight from the source
http://rfyb5tlhiqtiavwhikdlvb3fumxgqwtg2naanxtiqibidqlox5vispqd.onion/ – TomAndJerry – Cocaine, Heroin, MDMA and LSD from NL
http://ajlu6mrc7lwulwakojrgvvtarotvkvxqosb4psxljgobjhureve4kdqd.onion/ – 420prime – Cannabis in dispensary quality from the UK
http://guzjgkpodzshso2nohspxijzk5jgoaxzqioa7vzy6qdmwpz3hq4mwfid.onion/ – Bitpharma – Biggest european .onion drug store
http://n6qisfgjauj365pxccpr5vizmtb5iavqaug7m7e4ewkxuygk5iim6yyd.onion/ – EuCanna – First Class Cannabis
http://kl4gp72mdxp3uelicjjslqnpomqfr5cbdd3wzo5klo3rjlqjtzhaymqd.onion/ – Smokeables – Finest organic cannabis from the USA
http://7mejofwihleuugda5kfnr7tupvfbaqntjqnfxc4hwmozlcmj2cey3hqd.onion/ – CannabisUK – UK wholesale cannabis supplier
http://2ln3x7ru6psileh7il7jot2ufhol4o7nd54z663xonnnmmku4dgkx3ad.onion/ – Brainmagic – Best Darkweb psychedelics
http://usmost4cbpesx552s2s4ti3c4nk2xgiu763vhcs3b4uc4ppp3zwnscyd.onion/ – NLGrowers – Coffee Shop grade Cannabis from the Netherlands
http://xf2gry25d3tyxkiu2xlvczd3q7jl6yyhtpodevjugnxia2u665asozad.onion/ – Peoples Drug Store – The Darkwebs best Drug supplier!
http://sga5n7zx6qjty7uwvkxpwstyoh73shst6mx3okouv53uks7ks47msayd.onion/ – DeDope – German Weed Store

More commercial links

http://prjd5pmbug2cnfs67s3y65ods27vamswdaw2lnwf45ys3pjl55h2gwqd.onion/ – Dark Web Hackers for hire
http://55niksbd22qqaedkw36qw4cpofmbxdtbwonxam7ov2ga62zqbhgty3yd.onion/ – AccMarket – Premium Paypal, Ebay and bank accounts
http://s57divisqlcjtsyutxjz2ww77vlbwpxgodtijcsrgsuts4js5hnxkhqd.onion/ – Cardshop – USA CVV KNOWN BALANCE & Worldwide CC & CVV
http://jbtb75gqlr57qurikzy2bxxjftzkmanynesmoxbzzcp7qf5t46u7ekqd.onion/ – Darkmining – Bitcoin mining with stolen electricity
http://jhi4v5rjly75ggha26cu2eeyfhwvgbde4w6d75vepwxt2zht5sqfhuqd.onion/ – Bitcoin Investment Trust – earn 5-9% per week!
http://rxmyl3izgquew65nicavsk6loyyblztng6puq42firpvbe32sefvnbad.onion/ – Mobile Store – Best unlocked cell phones vendor
http://vhlehwexxmbnvecbmsk4ormttdvhlhbnyabai4cithvizzaduf3gmayd.onion/ – Kamagra 4 Bitcoin – Like Viagra but cheaper
http://ymvhtqya23wqpez63gyc3ke4svju3mqsby2awnhd3bk2e65izt7baqad.onion/ – OnionIdentityServices – Fake passports and ID cards for bitcoin
http://k6m3fagp4w4wspmdt23fldnwrmknse74gmxosswvaxf3ciasficpenad.onion/ – Uk Guns and Ammo Store
http://lqcjo7esbfog5t4r4gyy7jurpzf6cavpfmc4vkal4k2g4ie66ao5mryd.onion/ – USfakeIDs – US fake ID store
http://qazkxav4zzmt5xwfw6my362jdwhzrcafz7qpd5kugfgx7z7il5lyb6ad.onion/ – Counterfeit USD – High Quality USD counterfeits
http://gd5x24pjoan2pddc2fs6jlmnqbawq562d2qyk6ym4peu5ihzy6gd4jad.onion/ – USAcitizenship – become a citizen of the USA
http://t43fsf65omvf7grt46wlt2eo5jbj3hafyvbdb7jtr2biyre5v24pebad.onion/ – EuroGuns
http://okayd5ljzdv4gzrtiqlhtzjbflymfny2bxc2eacej3tamu2nyka7bxad.onion/ – Apples4Bitcoin – Iphones, Ipads and more for bitcoin
http://3bp7szl6ehbrnitmbyxzvcm3ieu7ba2kys64oecf4g2b65mcgbafzgqd.onion/ – UKpassports – real UK passports
http://xykxv6fmblogxgmzjm5wt6akdhm4wewiarjzcngev4tupgjlyugmc7qd.onion/ – ccPal – PayPals, Ebays, CCs and more
http://kq4okz5kf4xosbsnvdr45uukjhbm4oameb6k6agjjsydycvflcewl4qd.onion/ – Rent-A-Hacker – Hire a hacker for Bitcoin
http://wk3mtlvp2ej64nuytqm3mjrm6gpulix623abum6ewp64444oreysz7qd.onion/ – Webuybitcoins – Sell your Bitcoins for Cash, Paypal, WU etc
http://odahix2ysdtqp4lgak4h2rsnd35dmkdx3ndzjbdhk3jiviqkljfjmnqd.onion/ – HQER – High Quality Euro bill counterfeits

Everything else

http://danielas3rtn54uwmofdo3x2bsdifr47huasnmbgqzfrec5ubupvtpid.onion/ – DanielWin
http://answerszuvs3gg2l64e6hmnryudl5zgrmwm3vh65hzszdghblddvfiqd.onion/ – Hidden Answers
https://kcmykvkkt3umiyx4xouu3sjo6odz3rolqphy2i2bbdan33g3zrjfjgqd.onion/ – aboutMastodon
http://dhosting4xxoydyaivckq7tsmtgi4wfs3flpeyitekkmqwu4v4r46syd.onion/ – Daniels Hosting
http://cathug2kyi4ilneggumrenayhuhsvrgn6qv2y47bgeet42iivkpynqad.onion/ – cathugger’s site
http://zgeajoabenj2nac6k5cei5qy62iu5yun5gm2vjnxy65r3p3amzykwxqd.onion/ – Darkweb Blog
http://ozmh2zkwx5cjuzopui64csb5ertcooi5vya6c2gm4e3vcvf2c2qvjiyd.onion/ – riseup searx
http://45tbhx5prlejzjgn36nqaxqb6qnm73pbohuvqkpxz2zowh57bxqawkid.onion/ – Parckwart’s Website
http://sidignlwz2odjhgcfhbueinmr23v5bubq2x43dskcebh5sbd2qrxtkid.onion/ – securejabber
http://sik5nlgfc5qylnnsr57qrbm64zbdx6t4lreyhpon3ychmxmiem7tioad.onion/ – Qubes OS
http://dds6qkxpwdeubwucdiaord2xgbbeyds25rbsgr73tbfpqpt4a6vjwsyd.onion/ – Whonix
http://lldan5gahapx5k7iafb3s4ikijc4ni7gx5iywdflkba5y2ezyg6sjgyd.onion/ – OnionShare

http://nanochanqzaytwlydykbg5nxkgyjxk3zsrctxuoxdmbx5jbh2ydyprid.onion/ – NanoChan
http://picochanwvqfa2xsrfzlul4x4aqtog2eljll5qnj5iagpbhx2vmfqnid.onion/ – PicoChan
http://enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion/ – EndChan
http://dngtk6iydmpokbyyk3irqznceft3hze6q6rasrqlz46v7pq4klxnl4yd.onion/ – 256Chan
http://cct5wy6mzgmft24xzw6zeaf55aaqmo6324gjlsghdhbiw5gdaaf4pkad.onion/ – Snopyta
http://wnrgozz3bmm33em4aln3lrbewf3ikxj7fwglqgla2tpdji4znjp7viqd.onion/ – VYempire.xyz
http://7sk2kov2xwx6cbc32phynrifegg6pklmzs7luwcggtzrnlsolxxuyfyd.onion/ – SystemLI.org
http://stormwayszuh4juycoy4kwoww5gvcu2c4tdtpkup667pdwe4qenzwayd.onion/ – CryptoStorm VPN
http://xdkriz6cn2avvcr2vks5lvvtmfojz2ohjzj4fhyuka55mvljeso2ztqd.onion/ – Cock.li
http://eludemailxhnqzfmxehy3bk5guyhlxbunfyhkcksv4gvx6d3wcf6smad.onion/ – Elude.in
http://lainwir3s4y5r7mqm3kurzpljyf77vty2hrrfkps6wm4nnnqzest4lqd.onion/ – qord11.net
http://cgjzkysxa4ru5rhrtr6rafckhexbisbtxwg2fg743cjumioysmirhdad.onion/ – Course Enigma
http://killnod2s77o3axkktdu52aqmmy4acisz2gicbhjm4xbvxa2zfftteyd.onion/ – Kill9
http://digdeep4orxw6psc33yxa2dgmuycj74zi6334xhxjlgppw6odvkzkiad.onion/ – DigDeeper
http://spywaredrcdg5krvjnukp3vbdwiqcv3zwbrcg6qh27kiwecm4qyfphid.onion/ – Spyware Watchdog
http://meynethaffeecapsvfphrcnfrx44w2nskgls2juwitibvqctk2plvhqd.onion/ – May Vane Day Studios
http://zsxjtsgzborzdllyp64c6pwnjz5eic76bsksbxzqefzogwcydnkjy3yd.onion/ – Shadow Wiki
http://g7ejphhubv5idbbu3hb3wawrs5adw7tkx7yjabnf65xtzztgg4hcsqqd.onion/ – Defcon
http://p53lf57qovyuvwsc6xnrppyply3vtqm7l6pcobkmyqsiofyeznfu5uqd.onion/ – Propublica
http://darkzzx4avcsuofgfez5zq75cqc4mprjvfqywo45dfcaxrwqg6qrlfid.onion/ – Darknetlive
http://keybase5wmilwokqirssclfnsqrjdsi7jdir5wy7y7iu3tanwmtp6oid.onion/ – KeyBase.IO
http://ciadotgov4sjwlzihbbgxnqg3xiyrg7so2r2o3lt5wz5ypk4sxyjstad.onion/ – CIA.GOV
http://archivebyd3rzt3ehjpm4c3bjkyxv3hjleiytnvxcn7x32psn2kxcuid.onion/ – Internet Archive
http://bible4u2lvhacg4b3to2e2veqpwmrc2c3tjf2wuuqiz332vlwmr4xbad.onion/ – Bible4u
http://kx5thpx2olielkihfyo4jgjqfb7zx7wxr3sd4xzt26ochei4m6f7tayd.onion/ – Imperial Library
http://nv3x2jozywh63fkohn5mwp2d73vasusjixn3im3ueof52fmbjsigw6ad.onion/ – Comic Books


The Hidden Wiki

Old v2 .onion links

We decided to no longer list the old and no longer working hidden services links on the hidden wiki.

This ends a part of the history of the dark web, but opens a new chapter with many new fresh exciting websites.

Also many sites will surely update to the new domain type and we will list them here later.

Sites like DuckDuckGo, Bitcoin Fog, some image uploaders, Onii-Chan or onion forum, will for sure come back.

Or similar sites will replace them, in which case the dark web community will be just as happy.

And the deep web of hidden sites on our wiki, will for sure only continue to grow anyway.

For more information check our article about the site’s update here.


2021 Hidden Wiki news

After the covid pandemic started, many people moved basically their whole life online.

Which means of course the dark corners of the hidden internet are also more crowded than ever before in the history of the deep web.

Hackers offering their services, people buying and selling drugs, and even more exotic things happen every day on those sites.

No matter if you want to buy cannabis, cocaine, LSD, speed, heroin or other drugs, or things like bank accounts, credit cards or other accounts, on the dark web you will find plenty of offers.

And it is easier than ever before to buy bitcoin and to use an anonymization service which lets you mix your bitcoins with other users when buying on the deep web marketplaces.


Hidden Wiki

About the Hidden Wiki

The Hidden Wiki is one of the oldest link directories on the dark web.

Famous for listing all important .onion links. From drug marketplaces to financial services you can find all the important deep web services listed here.

If you can not find the link you are looking for, check the other introduction points.

Before 2013 there was another Hidden Wiki on the Tor network, and even now many websites claim to be the Hidden Wiki. But there is only one original.

We will always only list the sites of the best quality, not wasting anyone’s time with bad sites or links which are not working.

In the past and in the future, our mission was and will be to provide you with the best hidden service lists we can find online.

To our surprise, the number of them is constantly growing. So it will be very likely that in the future there will be a lot more.

So bookmark the Hidden Wiki and check back often.


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